This comic will tell the tale of Sakura, a young girl who underwent sexual initiation. She is learning the lessons of sexual perfection under the direction of experienced women. She will have the chance to fulfill her dreams one day. All she needs to do is choose a worthy partner. She chooses her uncle as a teacher. He's also a good friend and willing to have sex with her niece. He is willing to not only teach her but to also give her whatever she desires. He doesn't forget his pride however. He wants Sakura to have sex and will therefore control the whole thing.
This comic will tell the tale of Sakura, a young girl who underwent sexual initiation. She is learning the lessons of sexual perfection under the direction of experienced women. She will have the chance to fulfill her dreams one day. All she needs to do is choose a worthy partner. She chooses her uncle as a teacher. He's also a good friend and willing to have sex with her niece. He is willing to not only teach her but to also give her whatever she desires. He doesn't forget his pride however. He wants Sakura to have sex and will therefore control the whole thing.
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